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Communication, Conflict management & Difficult conversations

Are you looking for a keynote or training program on communication skills? Perhaps with a special focus on conflict management and/or difficult conversations? Do you want to learn how to avoid misunderstandings and friction, create better collaboration, sort out conflicts and turn even the most difficult conversations into good conversations?

A participant in one of my half-day programmes on difficult conversations came up to me afterwards and said: “I’ve learned a lot more in these four hours than I did in a whole two day program I attended a while ago. And I’ve had fun!” That’s exactly how I want my programmes to be perceived—as inspiring and great learning experiences.

Book me as your speaker in communication, conflict management and difficult conversations if you want to learn more about why we so easily collide with other people, and how we can become better at communicating, connecting with each other and creating good and collaborative relationships.

“From mush to clarity”

In modern organisations, where people need to work in teams and create good relationships with colleagues, managers, direct reports, customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial.

Gunnel Ryner

Interpersonal mush is the result of people basing their interactions on subjective interpretations, fantasies and made-up stories, without checking them with each-other. This leads to misunderstandings, rumours, gossip and conflicts. Turning this into interpersonal clarity is the foundation for building effective and satisfying working relationships and organisations, where the energy is spent on the right things, people learn by sharing their experiences, and you create great results in an open and safe environment.

Learn the communication tricks that will take your organisation from misunderstandings and conflicts to good collaborative relationships and excellent results! A keynote that, despite the serious topic, offers a lot of recognition, humour and laughter.

Training programme:
“Communication, conflict management & difficult conversations”

A half-day or full day programme where you as a leader get inspiration, knowledge, step-by-step methods and practical training in effective communication, conflict management, feedback and leading constructive conversations, even in difficult situations.

Föreläsare Gunnel Ryner

A full day programme can look like this:

1. Lecture on communication, conflict management & difficult conversations

  • Two human processes that affect relationships and teamwork – reasons why things so easily go wrong in our communication
  • How do you lead a good conversation? Basic approaches and useful tips
  • Building trust and good relationships
  • How to communicate so that others want to listen, without feeling threatened or becoming defensive
  • Positive and negative feedback
  • How to bring up sensitive topics, deliver tough messages or criticism
  • Step-by-step conversation models for difficult conversations and conflict management

2. Workshop based on the method Appreciative Inquiry, where the participants identify and explore their own good examples of successful conversations. Which success factors contribute to good conversations? How can we build on these success factors to have even better conversations?
3. Case/practical excercises – role-play, practise and time to reflect around specific situations that can arise in everyday life.

Happy customers

” Thank you so much for the fantastic contribution you made at the CIDESCO International´s Schools & Examiners meeting. I was most impressed by the way you referred to scientific research, motivated the audience and mixed it all with a great sense of humor. I knew you would do an outstanding job and you lived up to and exceeded our expectations! “

Anna-Cari Gund

President, Cidesco

” I want to send a HUGE THANK YOU for your fantastic keynote for us at The Body Shop! YOU were very appreciated and we have started a true positive revolution in my entire district! We have come into a marvellous FLOW which can be noted both among the employees but also in our numbers! Many thanks!!!”

Carina Rosenblad

District Sales Manager, The Body Shop

” Thank you for a truly amazing keynote! We have already started to implement your ideas in the organization. For instance, we had our best staff meeting in a long time this morning, when everyone started by sharing the positive things that happened last week. Your speech couldn’t have had better timing – many thanks!”

Ted Wallin

Business Director, Gambit

” Gunnel’s inspirational keynote is one of the best I have heard. Gunnel is down-to-earth, tasteful and personal and with lots of humour she delivers spot-on truths that landed very well in our organisation. In addition to giving inspiration and joyful laughter she also gave us some simple tools to apply in our everyday work life. We have started our positive revolution! “

Katarina Törnros

Regional Manager, LRF Konsult

” Gunnel Ryner is one of the best speakers we have hired for Kvalitetsmagasinet Live. By mixing theory and vivid examples, delivered with a great sense of humour, she helps everyone see how a positive approach can take your organization to a whole new level.”

Anna Nyström

Chief Editor, Kvalitetsmagasinet

” A huge THANK YOU for your incredibly energizing and positive keynote! It completely blew me away! So professional, so sweet, such an amazing talk! Your wonderful charisma and your positive message really gave me a huge energy boost. THANK YOU!!!. “

Sanna Thörnholm

Owner, Soliv Hälsoföretaget

” Thank you for an amazing keynote and workshop, you lifted the entire team and helped us shift our focus, from getting stuck in the negative to start thinking about what works well. Already on the following Monday, some members of our staff started to share positive experiences.”

Valentina Trpezanovska

Manager Område Varberg, Närsjukvården Halland

” Many thanks for a great speech that gave lots of wisdom and insights to the audience! Serious parts mixed with humour, delivered in such a masterful, light-hearted way. Focusing on the positive has definitely stuck with our entire team. A+ from us all!”

Sofia Sestorp

Business Manager, Kinda Ydre Sparbank

” A nuclear power plant should of course put effort into preventing and fixing deviations, but our processes can become even better if we also include our successes in our development work. Thank you for that insight, Gunnel – you were a true source of inspiration! “

Cecilia Lindmark

Safety Engineer, Forsmark Kraftgrupp AB

” The inspirational speech about Appreciative Leadership for our group of administrative managers was followed by a strengths-based workshop, where we explored our own good examples. A fantastic day with lots of new knowledge and the opportunity to practise and reflect. A HUGE THANK YOU, Gunnel for a CONTENT-RICH TALK and a VERY INSPIRING WORKSHOP!!!!! “

Anne-Li Silberk

Administrative Manager, Linköping University