Keynotes that inspire & make a difference!
Create a workplace filled with joy, pride and engagement, where people love to work and produce extraordinary results.
Book Gunnel Ryner as your speaker for your kick-off, employee activity, conference or leadership event if you want a speaker who is entertaining, funny and teaches you practical methods and tools, based in research, that you can start using right away.
Gunnel is a keynote speaker and author of three bestselling books, one of which – “The Lazy way to a wonderful life – at home and at work” – is available in English. She has a BA in behavioural sciences and is passionate about appreciative, strengths-based change methods, such as Appreciative Inquiry and Solution Focus.
Gunnel’s mission is to contribute to workplaces characterised by happiness and pride, and to help both individuals and organisations develop and perform at the top. With her substantial competence, contagious enthusiasm and positive energy, she has inspired thousands of people to take themselves and their work to a whole new level.
My guiding principle:
Look for what’s RIGHT rather than what’s WRONG
Most people working with development, regardless of context, use a problem-solving approach. They look for problems, errors and shortcomings and think that if we just fix what’s bad, things will automatically become great. But that’s not the case – if we simply remove a problem, we will only get to OK, neither bad nor good. And this isn’t development – it’s damage control.
Do you want real, positive and sustainable development? Do you want to create a workplace characterised by pride, happiness, engagement and creativity, where people perform at their best and reach exceptional results? Then you’ve come to the right place!
My most popular talks are about Strengths-based development. Using a strengths-based approach means focusing on what you want more of, rather than less of. It’s about looking for what’s right rather than what’s wrong, and to build on what works rather than just trying to fix what doesn’t work. I use the term Strengths-based as an umbrella term for change methods like Appreciative Inquiry, Solution Focus and Positive Deviance, and research within the field of Positive Psychology.
The strengths-based approach is reflected in everything I do – keynotes, trainings, strengths-based workshops and solution focused coaching.
Book me as your speaker, trainer or workshop facilitator if you want to shift your focus, learn to identify, utilise and build on your successes and strengths, and lift your team and the work you do to a whole new level.

When should you book Gunnel?
If you’re looking for a speaker who talks about happiness at work, communication, change & development, working environment, culture, engagement, leadership or cooperation – you have found her!
Of course, you’re also in the right place if you’re looking for someone who speaks about strengths-based development – but so far, pretty few organisations are familiar with the concept. I’m doing everyting I can to change that!
The strengths-based approach is connected to and affects all the topics I listed above. A strengths-based approach creates more happiness at work, more engagement, a nicer working environment, better cooperation – well, you get it. Simply put, the strengths-based methods help make most things better at work (and in life in general), including the bottom line result. Book me as your speaker if you want to give your leaders and employees a reel boost of energy!

Happy customers
Some of the customers I’ve worked with:
Karolinska Institutet, Solna Tingsrätt, Naturvetarna, Polisen, NCC, Landstinget Blekinge, SMHI, Saab, CGI, Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus, Volvo Lastvagnar, Region Gävleborg, Securitas Direct, FOI, Sectra, Håbo kommun, Stockholms stad, Linköpings kommun, Kronfågel, Previa, Region Östergötland, ÖrebroBostäder, Bixia, Scan, Autoliv, Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, VTI, Länsförsäkringar, Lantmännen, Malmö Högskola, ALcontrol, Vision, Unionen, Forsmarks Kraftgrupp, NFC, Migrationsverket, Länsstyrelsen i Östergötland, Aratron, Guldfynd, Rättsmedicinalverket, The Body Shop, Almi Företagspartner, Karlskrona kommun, Sölvesborg Energi, SEB, Svensk Sjöfart
Click on the topic you’re interested in to learn more about my keynotes, training programmes and workshops!

Hitta rätt i stället för att leta fel

The lazy way to a wonderful life – at home and at work

Den lata vägen till ett fantastiskt liv – och arbetsliv

Släng problemglasögonen – starta en positiv revolution

One of Sweden’s most popular speakers every year since 2018!